"School-In-A-Box" creates a rich eLearning eco-system with no dependency on internet, yet with the help of smart services and bridge mobile apps, we remotely monitor all our installations and update content as needed.
We believe, every child should get access hands on experience to tinker, explore and create. We have been building low cost tools for science DYI, Math TLM and Story Making which are benefiting thousands of kids in govt schools and rural communities across India.
We believe in suporting the purpose, not just the product. Our offerring includes custom design of intervention strategy, remote monitoring, remote intervention support etc. We have been instumental in supporing over over 2000+ schools and 300+ offline eLearning ecosystems in 6 regional languages across india.
Address: Om Server Pvt Ltd, 1-KA-17, Shastri Nagar, Jaipur, India - 302016
email: siab@omserver.org | Whatsapp: +91 9982600155
Generations growing with lesser resources, be in city or rural areas, are usually neglected due to
lower unit economics inspite of huge market size is there to be address.
Let these picture speak about
what we do to address this need.